FAQ about car air freshener

Questions Answered

We have collected some common questions related to car fresheners, and we are constantly updating the questions about car fresheners. If you can’t find the answer here, you can also contact us directly by email.
You can also check our blog post, where there is a lot of industry information about car fresheners.

Table of Contents

1. Can perfume freeze in a car

Liquid car perfumes generally use deodorized alcohol as a diluent, so the ingredients of general perfumes are alcohol and essential oils.
The freezing point of alcohol is -117.3°C, so alcohol will not freeze under natural conditions. If your car perfume is freezing, it means it contains water. Car fresheners that contain water are usually poor quality products.

2.Is it illegal to hang air freshener in car

In the United States, some states have laws that prohibit hanging items from vehicle mirrors or attaching them to the windshield on the grounds that they obstruct the driver’s view, and Minnesota, California, Pennsylvania, and Arizona prohibit Drivers hang something near the windshield that would obstruct their vision.

For more details about this question, you can check this link.

Our suggestion is if you don’t want to break the law in some states, you can choose other types of car freshener, such as gel type, solid type, or vent clip type.

3.What is the best car air freshener

Usually, the most important components of a car freshener are the essential oil and the casing, so you should pay extra attention to the quality of the essential oil and the material of the casing of the freshener, and avoid choosing cheap products, because cheap products often use inferior essential oil, which may harm your health.

For different people, there are different criteria to judge the goodness of car fresheners, and there are various styles of car fresheners, you can check this article to know the common car freshener styles.

We have also prepared an article to introduce the top car freshener brands in 2022.
We believe that after reading these contents, you already know what kind of car freshener is the best, and you should have your own judging criteria.

4.Can you hang air freshener in car

Not exactly, in some states in the US, local laws do not allow you to hang anything on the interior mirrors of your car, so you can’t hang car fresheners either, if you really want to hang a car freshener, maybe you can hang it behind the seats.

Our advice is also to try not to choose a hanging car freshener, from a safety point of view, it’s possible to affect the safety of driving, we can choose air vents or desktop type car fresheners.

5.Where to hang air freshener in car

There are many types of car fresheners, usually you can hang the car freshener in the following places.
1. Inside the rearview mirror of the car
2. Behind the seat of the car
Please note that some states in the US do not allow you to hang anything from the rearview mirror of your car, so if you want to use a hanging car freshener, make sure your local laws allow you to do so first.

6.How to use refresh car air freshener plug in

First, snap the clip from the package into its slot.

second, install the fragrance piece into it.

Third, snap the clip into the air outlet.

7.Where to put air freshener in car

Generally speaking, air fresheners are best placed on the passenger dashboard or using the air vent clip type of outlet products. Because the main driver driving best not to put something to block the line of sight or affect the normal driving.

Secondly, the middle of the dashboard is also a good location.

In general, the principle of placing car freshener is three points.

First, the car freshener can not be placed on the airbag, to prevent the airbag from being ejected or obstructed in time when an accident occurs.

Second, the car freshener should not be placed in places that affect the line of sight, such as the front of the driver’s seat, etc.

Thirdly, it should not be placed in uneven places. Some car fresheners do not have the anti-skid ability, so the freshener may move due to vibration or bumps and hinder normal driving. This is very dangerous.

8.What is the best car freshener scent

There are thousands of car freshener brands and scents, everyone has their own favorite fragrance, so it is difficult to define the best fragrance.

According to our product sales experience, usually, floral and fruity notes are the majority of people like the fragrance on the market, I have listed some common fragrances, which can give you references.

9.How to get rid of perfume smell in car

1. All windows open, and the air conditioning opens in external circulation mode.

2. Use an activated carbon air freshener, placed in the car, adsorbed off the perfume smell.

3. Use a portable air purifier to purify the air inside the car

4. If the above methods are still not effective in removing the smell of perfume in the car, you can find an ozone generator car maintenance store, let them help you deal with the ozone treatment, usually pay attention to ventilation, every other week to do it again, twice down the car will definitely not have perfume smell.

10. Is it bad to keep perfume in the car

Putting perfume in the car is dangerous because when the sun is exposed to the sun or the temperature inside the car is too high, it may cause the perfume to explode. Perfume ingredients contain alcohol and other soluble mixtures, the physical properties of alcohol have volatile this one, while alcohol also has flammable properties. The temperature in summer can sometimes reach more than 30 degrees Celsius, and some perfume bottles themselves have a spotlight effect, which exacerbates the evaporation of alcohol. After the alcohol evaporates, it turns into a gas, and the volume increases, but since the volume of the perfume bottle does not change, the pressure of the gas in the bottle then rises, and the volatile hole of the perfume is not enough to let the air in the bottle flow smoothly when the perfume bottle will explode.

If you want to keep the air in the car fresh, it is recommended to try to put into the car fragrance bag, air vent clip, solid balm, and other freshener products.

11. Are car fresheners bad for the air-conditioning system?

Generally speaking, car fresheners will not cause damage to the car’s air-conditioning system, but you should pay attention not to use liquid car fresheners with design defects on the dashboard to prevent the liquid from spilling and damaging the parts of the dashboard.

If you want to use liquid car fresheners, you should choose ones that are not easy to knock over and leak.

12. How do car fresheners work?

Car fresheners work by emitting fragrances or substances that help mask or neutralize odors inside a car. The specific mechanism depends on the type of car freshener. Here are a few common types and how they work:

1. Air Freshener Sprays: These car fresheners come in aerosol cans or pump bottles. When sprayed, the liquid inside contains fragrance molecules that are released into the air. These molecules interact with the surrounding air molecules, providing a pleasant scent that helps cover up unwanted odors.

2. Vent Clips and Car Diffusers: These car fresheners are designed to be attached to the car’s air vents. They usually contain a reservoir or pad soaked in scented liquid or oil. When the car’s ventilation system is active, air flows through the freshener and distributes the fragrance throughout the car’s interior.

3. Hanging Paper or Cardboard Fresheners: These are often shaped like cardboard or paper cutouts and come with an attached string or elastic for hanging. They are infused with a scented liquid or oil, which slowly evaporates over time. The fragrance molecules are released into the air, providing a continuous scent.

4. Solid Gel Fresheners: These car fresheners consist of a container filled with scented gel. The gel slowly evaporates, releasing the fragrance into the surrounding air. Some gel fresheners also come with adjustable lids to control the intensity of the scent.

5. Scented Sachets or Bags: These fresheners are small bags or sachets filled with scented substances like dried flowers, herbs, or porous materials infused with fragrance oils. They can be placed in various locations within the car, such as under seats or in cup holders, and release their pleasant scent over time.

It’s important to note that while car fresheners can help mask or eliminate odors, they do not physically remove them. They primarily work by adding a pleasant scent to the air, helping to create a more enjoyable environment inside the car.

13. Will car freshener affect baby's health?

When using car fresheners, it is important to consider the potential impact on the health of infants and young children. While car fresheners are generally safe for use, certain factors should be taken into account:

1. Allergies and Sensitivities: Some individuals, including babies, may be more sensitive or allergic to certain fragrances or chemicals present in car fresheners. Strong scents or synthetic chemicals could potentially trigger allergic reactions or respiratory irritations. It’s advisable to choose mild or hypoallergenic options if you’re concerned about potential sensitivities.Try to avoid cheap and low-quality car fresheners.

2. Air Circulation: Ensure that the car’s ventilation system is functioning properly and provides adequate air circulation. Proper ventilation can help reduce the concentration of fragrance molecules in the air and minimize the potential for any adverse effects.

3. Avoid Direct Contact: Keep car fresheners out of reach of infants and young children to prevent accidental ingestion or contact. Some car fresheners may come in small or attractive shapes that could be hazardous if swallowed or put into the mouth.

4. Natural or Organic Alternatives: Consider using natural or organic car fresheners that are free from synthetic fragrances or chemicals. These options often rely on essential oils or plant-based ingredients, which may be perceived as a safer choice for babies.

5. Test Sensitivity: Before using a car freshener, consider testing it in a controlled environment. Place the freshener in the car and monitor your baby’s reaction during a short drive to determine if there are any adverse effects or sensitivities.

Always consult with a healthcare professional or pediatrician if you have specific concerns about your baby’s health and the use of car fresheners. They can provide personalized advice based on your child’s individual needs and health conditions.

13. How long do car fresheners typically last?

The last time of IKEDA’s car freshener is as follows:
Paper type: 10-15 days
Liquid type: 60-70 days
Solid type: 45-60 days
Since the temperature and humidity of the environment where the freshener is used will affect its service life, for example, the volatilization speed of the car freshener in summer will be faster than that in winter.

14. Can car fresheners cause allergies or sensitivities?

Yes, car fresheners have the potential to cause allergies or sensitivities in some individuals. Here are a few reasons why car fresheners can trigger allergic reactions or sensitivities:

1. Fragrance Ingredients: Car fresheners often contain a variety of fragrances, which can include synthetic chemicals or essential oils. These fragrance ingredients can be potent and may cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.

2. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Certain car fresheners, particularly those in aerosol sprays or liquid forms, may release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. These VOCs can contribute to indoor air pollution and potentially cause respiratory irritations, allergic reactions, or sensitivities.

3. Synthetic Chemicals: Some car fresheners may contain synthetic chemicals, such as phthalates or formaldehyde, which can be potential allergens or irritants for some people.

4. Existing Allergies or Sensitivities: Individuals with pre-existing allergies or sensitivities to fragrances or chemicals are more likely to have adverse reactions to car fresheners.

To minimize the risk of allergies or sensitivities:

– Opt for fragrance-free or hypoallergenic car fresheners.
– Choose natural or organic car fresheners that use essential oils or plant-based ingredients.
– Consider fragrance-free alternatives, such as activated charcoal-based odor eliminators.
– Ensure proper ventilation in the car to reduce the concentration of fragrance molecules.
– If you or someone in your household has known allergies or sensitivities, test the car freshener in a controlled environment before using it extensively.
– Consult with a healthcare professional if you experience persistent or severe allergic reactions or sensitivities.

It’s important to be aware of your own sensitivities and consider the potential risks when using any scented product, including car fresheners.

15. Can car fresheners eliminate strong odors like cigarette smoke or pet smells?

Car fresheners are designed to help mask or reduce unpleasant odors, including those caused by cigarette smoke or pet smells. However, it’s important to note that car fresheners may not completely eliminate strong odors on their own. The effectiveness of a car freshener in combating specific odors can vary based on factors such as the intensity of the odor, the size of the car, and the type of freshener used.

Here are a few points to consider:

1. Masking Odors: Car fresheners work by releasing pleasant fragrances that can help mask or overpower unpleasant smells. They essentially provide a more desirable scent to help diminish the perception of the original odor.

2. Odor Neutralizers: Some car fresheners contain odor-neutralizing agents that chemically interact with and neutralize odor molecules, rather than simply masking them. These types of fresheners are typically more effective in tackling strong odors.

3. Combination Approaches: For particularly stubborn odors like cigarette smoke or strong pet smells, it may be helpful to combine the use of car fresheners with other strategies. This could include cleaning the car’s interior thoroughly, using odor-neutralizing sprays or fabric refreshers, and ensuring proper ventilation to allow fresh air circulation.

4. Choosing the Right Freshener: Different types of car fresheners may be more effective against specific odors. For example, charcoal-based fresheners are known for their odor-absorbing properties, while enzyme-based fresheners can help break down organic odors. Experimenting with different options and scents can help find the most suitable freshener for combating specific smells.

5. Consistency and Maintenance: Car fresheners typically provide temporary relief from odors and require regular replacement or replenishment to maintain their effectiveness. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for usage and replacement intervals to ensure optimal performance.

Remember that while car fresheners can help improve the smell inside your car, addressing the root cause of the odor, such as cleaning or eliminating the source, is often necessary for more significant and long-lasting odor control.


16. Are car fresheners safe to use in all types of vehicles?

Car fresheners are generally safe to use in most types of vehicles. However, there are a few factors to consider to ensure their safe and appropriate use:

1. Ventilation System: Most car fresheners rely on the vehicle’s ventilation system to disperse the fragrance. It’s important to ensure that your vehicle’s ventilation system is functioning properly. If there are any issues with the ventilation system, it may affect the distribution of the fragrance or cause unintended consequences.

2. Allergies and Sensitivities: Some individuals may be more sensitive or allergic to certain fragrances or chemicals used in car fresheners. If you or your passengers have known allergies or sensitivities, it’s advisable to choose car fresheners with milder scents or consider fragrance-free options.

3. Placement: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper placement of the car freshener. Avoid placing it in direct contact with surfaces that may be sensitive to the fragrance or cause damage. Additionally, make sure the freshener does not obstruct the driver’s view or interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle.

4. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Some car fresheners may have specific warnings or guidelines for use in electric or hybrid vehicles. It’s important to check the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure compatibility and avoid any potential interference with the vehicle’s electrical systems.

5. Child Safety: If you have young children in the car, keep car fresheners out of their reach to prevent accidental ingestion or contact. Some car fresheners may come in small or attractive shapes that could pose a choking hazard.

6. Heat and Sunlight: High temperatures or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can affect the performance and longevity of certain car fresheners. It’s advisable to follow the storage instructions provided by the manufacturer to maintain the freshness and effectiveness of the product.

Always review the specific instructions and warnings provided by the car freshener manufacturer to ensure safe usage. If you have any concerns about the compatibility or safety of a car freshener with your vehicle, you may consult the vehicle’s manufacturer or a professional for further guidance.

17. Are there car fresheners specifically designed for people with motion sickness?

Yes, there are car fresheners available that are specifically designed to help alleviate or prevent motion sickness. These car fresheners are typically formulated with scents that are known to have calming or anti-nausea properties. They aim to create a more pleasant and soothing environment in the car to reduce the symptoms of motion sickness.

Common scents used in motion sickness car fresheners include:

1. Peppermint: Peppermint has a refreshing and invigorating scent that can help alleviate nausea and soothe an upset stomach.

2. Ginger: Ginger is known for its anti-nausea properties. Its warm and spicy aroma can help reduce feelings of queasiness associated with motion sickness.

3. Citrus: Citrus scents like lemon, lime, or orange are often used for their uplifting and refreshing qualities. They can help combat nausea and provide a sense of freshness.

These motion sickness car fresheners are typically available in various forms, such as hanging fresheners, vent clips, or even essential oil diffusers specifically designed for car use. They can be placed strategically in the car, such as near air vents or within proximity to the passenger experiencing motion sickness.

It’s important to note that while motion sickness car fresheners may help alleviate symptoms for some individuals, their effectiveness can vary. Motion sickness is a complex condition influenced by multiple factors, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s advisable to try different options and scents to find the most suitable solution for managing motion sickness symptoms during car rides.

18. Can car fresheners be used in other areas besides cars, such as homes or offices?

Yes, car fresheners can be used in other areas besides cars, such as homes or offices. While they are primarily marketed and designed for use in cars, many car fresheners can be used in various indoor spaces to add a pleasant fragrance.

Here are a few considerations when using car fresheners in non-automotive settings:

1. Scent Diffusion: Car fresheners are typically designed to work in smaller spaces like cars, so their fragrance dispersion may not be as effective in larger rooms. Consider using multiple fresheners or opting for larger-sized options for better coverage in larger areas.

2. Placement: Place the car freshener in a suitable location where it won’t interfere with daily activities or come into contact with surfaces that may be sensitive to the fragrance. For example, you can hang or place the freshener in a well-ventilated area, such as near a window, on a hook, or in a closet.

3. Freshener Type: Choose car fresheners that are compatible with indoor use. Some car fresheners may contain stronger fragrances or chemicals that may not be ideal for enclosed spaces. Look for options that are labeled for indoor use or specifically designed for home or office environments.

4. Consider Alternatives: There are also specific air fresheners available for home and office use that may be better suited for larger areas. These products are typically formulated to disperse fragrance more effectively in spacious environments.

5. Personal Preferences: Keep in mind that fragrance preferences can vary, and what may be pleasant in a car may not be as desirable in a home or office. Test the freshener in a small area or opt for customizable scent options to ensure it suits the environment and personal preferences.

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety guidelines when using car fresheners in non-automotive settings. Additionally, be mindful of any potential sensitivities or allergies that occupants of the space may have.

19. Can car fresheners be customized or personalized with specific scents?

Yes, car fresheners can be customized or personalized with specific scents. There are options available that allow you to choose or create your own fragrance for a more personalized experience. Here are a few ways car fresheners can be customized:

1. DIY Fresheners: Some car fresheners come in DIY or customizable formats, allowing you to add your preferred scent or fragrance oil. These fresheners often include blank pads, sachets, or diffuser inserts that you can soak or spray with your desired scent.

2. Fragrance Refills: Many car fresheners offer fragrance refill options, allowing you to choose from a range of scents offered by the manufacturer. These refills are designed to fit specific car freshener models and can be easily swapped out when needed.

3. Scented Oils: Certain car fresheners use scented oils that can be customized by mixing different oils or creating your own blend. This gives you the freedom to experiment with different scents and create a fragrance that suits your preferences.

4. Personalized Designs: Some car fresheners can be personalized with custom designs or logos. This allows you to add a personal touch to the freshener, making it unique and tailored to your style or branding.

When customizing car fresheners with specific scents, it’s important to consider factors such as the compatibility of the fragrance with the freshener material, the strength of the scent, and any potential sensitivities of passengers or occupants in the car. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for safe customization and usage.

Additionally, if you’re looking for a specific scent that is not readily available in the market, you may consider using essential oils or fragrance oils to create your own signature scent. However, it’s important to ensure that the oils you use are safe for use in a vehicle and won’t cause any adverse effects or damage.

20. Can car fresheners be used in vehicles with leather interiors without affecting the material?

Car fresheners can generally be used in vehicles with leather interiors without causing any significant damage or adverse effects. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind to ensure the well-being of the leather:

1. Placement: When using a car freshener, ensure that it is not in direct contact with the leather surfaces. Avoid placing the freshener directly on the leather seats or dashboard to prevent any potential interaction between the fragrance and the leather material.

2. Ventilation: If using a freshener that relies on the vehicle’s ventilation system, make sure the air vents are not blowing the fragrance directly onto the leather surfaces. This can help minimize direct contact between the fragrance and the leather.

3. Test in a Small Area: Before using a new car freshener in a vehicle with leather interior, it is advisable to test it in a small and inconspicuous area. Apply the freshener or place it nearby and monitor the leather’s reaction for any discoloration or adverse effects. If there are no negative outcomes, it is generally safe to use the freshener in the vehicle.

4. Choose Leather-Friendly Fresheners: Some car fresheners are specifically formulated to be safe for use in vehicles with leather interiors. Look for fresheners that are labeled as leather-friendly or suitable for use on leather surfaces. These products are typically designed to minimize any potential interactions or damage to the leather material.

5. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: Regardless of using car fresheners, it is important to regularly clean and maintain leather interiors. This helps to remove any dirt, dust, or residues that may accumulate over time, including any potential buildup from the use of car fresheners.

By following these guidelines and being cautious with placement and product selection, car fresheners can be used in vehicles with leather interiors without significant harm to the material. However, it is always advisable to check the manufacturer’s recommendations or consult with a professional if you have any concerns specific to your vehicle’s leather interior.

21. Can car fresheners improve the air quality inside the car?

Car fresheners primarily aim to enhance the scent or fragrance inside the car, rather than directly improve air quality. While they can contribute to a more pleasant-smelling environment, their impact on air quality is limited. Here are a few points to consider:

1. Masking Odors: Car fresheners work by masking or overpowering unpleasant odors with more pleasant fragrances. They do not actively remove or purify the air. The scent of the freshener may provide a perception of improved air quality by covering up unwanted smells, but it does not eliminate or clean the air.

2. Air Purification: If you are specifically concerned about air quality, it is important to note that car fresheners are not designed to remove pollutants, allergens, or harmful particles from the air. For air purification purposes, dedicated air purifiers or filters designed for cars can be more effective in removing airborne contaminants.

3. Ventilation: Car fresheners that are designed to be used with the vehicle’s ventilation system can help distribute the fragrance throughout the car. In turn, this may assist with better air circulation. However, it’s important to note that car ventilation systems are primarily intended for regulating temperature and airflow, not comprehensive air purification.

4. Source of Odors: Car fresheners may temporarily mask unpleasant odors, but they do not address the underlying source of those odors. If there are persistent or strong odors in your car, it is important to identify and address the root cause. Regular cleaning, proper maintenance, and addressing any potential issues (such as mold, spills, or leaks) can help maintain a cleaner and fresher environment.

While car fresheners can create a more pleasant atmosphere, they should not be solely relied upon for improving air quality. If air quality is a concern, considering other measures such as maintaining cleanliness, using dedicated air purifiers, or ensuring proper ventilation can be more effective approaches.

22. Are there any safety precautions or warnings associated with using car fresheners?

Yes, there are some safety precautions and warnings associated with using car fresheners. Here are a few important considerations:

1. Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions: Always read and follow the instructions provided by the car freshener manufacturer. Each product may have specific guidelines for usage, placement, and duration.

2. Avoid Direct Contact: Avoid direct contact between the car freshener and your skin, eyes, or clothing. Some fresheners may contain chemicals or oils that can cause irritation or allergic reactions.

3. Keep Out of Reach of Children and Pets: Keep car fresheners out of reach of children and pets. They are small objects that can pose a choking hazard if swallowed. Ingesting or chewing on car fresheners can be harmful.

4. Ventilation and Airflow: If using a car freshener that relies on the vehicle’s ventilation system, ensure that there is adequate airflow and ventilation in the car. Proper ventilation helps disperse the fragrance effectively and prevents any potential buildup of concentrated fragrance.

5. Sensitivities and Allergies: If you or your passengers have known sensitivities or allergies to fragrances or specific ingredients, choose car fresheners that are labeled as hypoallergenic, unscented, or specifically designed for sensitive individuals.

6. Heat and Sunlight: Avoid exposing car fresheners to excessive heat or direct sunlight. High temperatures can cause certain types of fresheners to melt, leak, or lose their effectiveness. Store them in a cool and dry place.

7. Flammability: Some car fresheners are flammable or may contain flammable components. Keep them away from open flames, sparks, or sources of heat to prevent fire hazards.

8. Product Expiration: Check the expiration date or recommended shelf life of the car fresheners. Expired or outdated products may not perform as intended and should be replaced.

9. Personal Comfort: If you or your passengers experience discomfort or adverse reactions when using a car freshener, discontinue its use and ventilate the car to remove the scent.

It’s important to note that while car fresheners are generally considered safe for use, individual sensitivities and reactions can vary. If you have specific concerns or questions regarding the safety of a particular car freshener, it is advisable to consult the manufacturer or seek professional advice.

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